Saturday, December 21, 2013

Going Back to Cali & Solstice

I was going to share earlier this week, but needed to get the go ahead that phone calls had been made and I was in the clear to share that...

we are moving back to California!

We have been wanting this for a long time and had just about given up hope that it would come to pass.
Last week Wes got an email that changed all of that, and we had the weekend to weigh all of the pros and cons. (Just because you really want something does not mean that it totally works out logistically.) But in the end we decided that the sacrifices that would need to be made are worth it and we are heading back to our home state at the end of February!

There are so many wonderful opportunities there for all of us. We are just a little excited and a bit overwhelmed with the idea.

Right now we are trying to get through the winter holiday season before we get to dramatic about cleaning out (there will be some downsizing involved) and packing. But the cleaning out has begun in little bursts (a natural result of making and the expectation that new things will inevitably make there way into our home this time of year).

Speaking of this time of year, we are excited about winter solstice today.

A hike, a sun cake, the lighting of lots of candles (including a special beeswax bird candle the kids picked out), a few little gifts, sushi, and sitting by the fire and under the stars. A good way to welcome back the light... on so many levels this year!

So, this busy little life is going to get a bit busier in the near future, but we could not be happier about that.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Make & Listen Along

~ On Thursdays I will post what I have been making and listening to as creations grow. 

If so inclined post, on your blog or flickr, about what you have been making (on your own or with little hands by your side) and listening to while you create. It can be new music, flash backs, a song or a whole album... whatever you like. You can be stitching with needle & thread, yarn, paper crafting, painting, cooking... and beyond. Share what you are making and the tunes that are fueling your creativity. Then come back to my Thursday Make & Listen Along post and leave a link in the comments so we can be inspired right along with you! ~

Oh, what a week!

There has been a whole lot going on around these parts... I can't wait to share some big news... but I must! Gah!
We have been making lots of lists and plans and dreams, that I will share about soon.

We have been doing some actual making as well. Some for gifting, some for sending, and some for us.
- Peppermint bark was the first edible of our holiday making. Yum. It could be true that I have already eaten entirely too much, but also true that I will eat a lot more, and may even make another batch before all is said and done.
- We made Phases of the Moon Lanterns for lighting outside while we watched the full moon rise, and to help us light up the night on Winter Solstice.

- We made up some nature boxes for sending, which included pulling out boxes and jars of nature from Nova Scotia to share. This was totally acceptable to my girl who quickly went to work making more museum displays in her room! Those boxes are so fun to make up and ship away.

I have also been making myself get to bed between 8:30 - 9:00 every night. (Yes, brother, when you texted the other night I was sleeping.) I have finally gotten back into the rhythm of waking early (usually about 4:00) and find I am so much more productive early, as I have always been.
We have been trying to play the holiday tunes lately but more often than not we have been enjoying the quiet of the season. Early nights and dark morning set the tone for more peaceful time here to begin and end the day.

Your turn.
Please share what you have been making and the tunes on your playlist. And don't forget to leave a link to your post if you played along so others can visit your Make and Listen posts. 

I have been trying to get around to visit your posts each week (sometimes it takes me a few days) and they are wonderful! Thanks, to all of you who are joining in and linking up!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Make & Listen Along

~ On Thursdays I will post what I have been making and listening to as creations grow. 
If so inclined post, on your blog or flickr, about what you have been making (on your own or with little hands by your side) and listening to while you create. It can be new music, flash backs, a song or a whole album... whatever you like. You can be stitching with needle & thread, yarn, paper crafting, painting, cooking... and beyond. Share what you are making and the tunes that are fueling your creativity. Then come back to my Thursday Make & Listen Along post and leave a link in the comments so we can be inspired right along with you! ~

We tend to take a pretty laid back approach to the holiday season, so the hustle and bustle we hear about on the radio and read about in the news has not filtered its way into our little world. That being said, the little people have been busy making around here, which is not highly unusual, but is highly secretive!

I can share that we have made the house festive with the addition of a tree. A certain kitty quickly claimed it as his domain.

I have also been at the sewing machine trying my best to design a case to hold my essential oils. My brother and sister-in-law introduced us to the oils recently and I have fallen in love with using them. We are finding uses that extend way beyond just making the house smell good! So, I want to have them with me when we are out and about, and need just the right case to bring some along. 

I am not super happy with this one. I need to add more structure and redesign a bit to allow for bottles in various sizes. I would also like to take along more than four, without making the case super huge. A zipper pouch with elastic along the inside might just be the answer. I will keep working at it!

Of course, once the tree went up, the holiday music started!

Your turn.
Please share what you have been making and the tunes on your playlist. And don't forget to leave a link to your post if you played along so others can visit your Make and Listen posts!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Crystal Crescent Memories

While going through old photos for a post over at Mud Puddles I felt like I was going through a bit of a time warp. We discovered Crystal Crescent Beach during our first month in Nova Scotia and over the next five years returned countless times during all seasons - fall and winter being our favorite time of year to be there.

It made me think about how I don't make photo albums anymore. It is so much easier to have the photos on the computer and not take up shelf space with an album (or have the expense of printing). That being said, my girl loves to look at the few photo albums we do have and I would love to have something easy for her to pick up and look though old photos. A compromise is certainly in order. Maybe something digital is the answer?

I gathered quite a few that I did not end up using in the post. Here are the ones that did not make the cut... although I still love them!

Not a bad little spot! Eh?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Make & Listen Along

~ On Thursdays I will post what I have been making and listening to as creations grow. 
If so inclined post, on your blog or flickr, about what you have been making (on your own or with little hands by your side) and listening to while you create. It can be new music, flash backs, a song or a whole album... whatever you like. You can be stitching with needle & thread, yarn, paper crafting, painting, cooking... and beyond. Share what you are making and the tunes that are fueling your creativity. Then come back to my Thursday Make & Listen Along post and leave a link in the comments so we can be inspired right along with you! ~

Cleaning up the studio a few weeks back I found over 20 projects in need of finishing up. More than twenty! Oh, my! I have been working away at those little by little, when I have a moment here and there. 

I got a chance to sit down for a longer period of time and finish some projects over the long weekend. It was nice to be back at the sewing machine again for a good chunk of time.

The first up was a scarf I had started. Ironed the fabric on to some fusible web and cut out the tree freehand, then did some free motion stitching on the machine to sew it on the black linen.

I backed it with a green cotton stripe. 

The photos were taken at night and are pretty awful, but I like the way it turned out. A bit more of a "fashion" scarf than one worn for warmth but it is still cozy around the neck!

I also worked on some seaweed inspired bookmarks I had started. I finished five of them.

They are put together using the same technique as the scarf above and I backed them in the same batik fabric I used for the seaweed. I love the raw edges and colors.

The kids and I have also been doing a lot of making for projects that will appear on the pages of Mud Puddles to Meteors and another little big project I am doing with Annie! That has been fun but it is very hard not to share all of the goodness. Soon enough, I hope!

We have not started playing the holiday music just yet. The tree and trimmings are going up this weekend. I am sure the festivities, including music, will kick into gear then. For now, the Lumineers and Nora Jones have been playing, along with the crackle of the fire, the geese honking overhead and a few neat documentaries.

Your turn.
Please share what you have been making and the tunes on your playlist. And don't forget to leave a link to your post if you played along so others can visit your Make and Listen posts!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Long Weekending


We had a wonderful long weekend with time spent in the mountains, badlands, and by the river. There were also lots of moments spent fireside playing cards, games, stitching, and reading.

Thanksgiving dinner was mellow and simple, with just the four of us to feed.

I got the chance to do some sewing on Saturday, which was very nice. 

We also watched this, which I liked well enough. (I am not one to sit and watch a movie but it kinda sucked me in with the story and the Man of Steel was pretty easy on the eyes too.) 

The documentary for the weekend was Earth: The Biography. We love it and learn so much each time we watch it.

I started reading this book, which I have read before and really enjoy reading as the season shifts.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great start to the week!

Joining up with Amanda for some weekending!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A walk along the river...

With the snowy weather we decided to stick a little closer to home for a walk this last weekend. We found ourselves at the Nature Center and Riverwalk in town. But there was still plenty to see...

It was cold and our blood has not quick thickened yet (honestly, I really just wanted to stay home and snuggle next to the fire). But we really needed to get out, so I kept my feelings to myself, and put on an extra layer to head out. 

I am so happy I did. It was a beautiful walk filled with new discovries. Now that the leaves are all off the trees we spotted a new wasp nest, which was a neat find. Along with the usual water fowl we also saw a western blue bird, which was very fun to see in flight with all of it's blue and orange feathers putting on a show. 

It did start to get pretty cold toward the end of the walk, but that was nothing a little game of "Chase and Capture the Dad" could not cure. It seems to do the trick every time!

Perfect snowflakes came down as we headed back to the car. A beautiful ending to a really lovely walk along the river.