Friday, December 7, 2012

Making: Super Simple Recyled Sweater Felt Scarf


I love this little scarf. It is my favroite to wear when out hiking or running around with the kiddos... times when short and simple is exactly what I need. It makes a great scarf for the kids too.

Last night, after the kiddos hit the hay, I was going to make up few more of these (for the kids) while I watched Downtown Abbey for the first time. I say a few more because they are super simple and quick to make!

Plans changed when my sensitive working man needed a new collar on his jacket. The collar was rough and chaffing... We can't have that! (I added a wool collar over the canvas one to protect his sensitive neck.)

These have now be moved into line for tonights making.

Here is how I make this Super Simple Scarf:

All you need is:
the arms of a soft wool sweater that has been felted
thread/embroidery floss
hair elastic

1. Cut the arms off the sweater and even up the cut.
2. Match up the top of the arms and stitch them together. I used embroidery floss.
3. Wrap the scarf around your neck, cross the arms and take note of where you would like to button it up.
4. Sew on the button.
5. Cut the hair elastic and sew it on so it matches up with the button. This does not have to be pretty because it is on the backside but you can sew a scrap of felt over the top to cover these stitches... just don't sew all the way through to the front side.

All done!

I found this sweater all ready felted at the thrift shop. Oops! My lucky day. It is very soft and such a pretty pattern.
The ones I am making up today are plain and will be in need of embellishment. It will be fun to experiment with making them fancy and fun for the little people!

So... as I watched and stitched the collar onto the jacket I realized that I would in fact be spending my time downstairs with the servant staff. If only I had a beautiful embroidery project I was working on like the lady of the house! Next time I watch Downtown Abbey I will definitely be scheduling some fancy stitching... so I can move upstairs!


  1. I've never seen Downtown Abbey, but our library recently got the series, and I'm hoping to get to see it after the holidays.

    I love your scarf! Felted sweaters are one of my favorite things to work with, although it took me quite a while to cut into my first one; knitter's mentality and all:-)

    Have a lovely day!

    1. It is worth watching.
      Ha. That is funny about cutting into the felted sweater. I always hesitate. Always thinking if what I am going to cut for is the best use of the sweater. There are always so many things to make!
