Sunday, February 9, 2014

bubbles & things

The bubbles came out yesterday when we got back from our hike, because it felt a bit like summer...

In other news...

- The wonderful folks over at Imagine Childhood interviewed Annie and I about our ebook and the Mud Puddles blog. We are totally enamored with IC so it was great fun when they asked us to do the interview. And they are giving away a copy of "The Weather Watcher's Handbook!" 

- Speaking of Mud Puddles, there are some very cute nature inspired valentine cards over there to print out and give. 

- I have taken to serving food up to the table in our glass storage containers. It is so easy to pop a lid on any leftovers and get them into the fridge. Anything to save doing more dishes at this point.

- While I have one hundred thousand things to do, I am still really happy I signed on to do this blogger swap organized by the sweet Amanda. It is so fun and I have my little box almost ready to go... I am looking forward to when I have a moment to check out this amazing list of bloggers (many new to me).

- I have been checking off those boxes on my many lists... and if something is not on one of my lists I write it in and check it off. Yep! Tracking progress wherever I can find it!

- The biggest box on the list was checked off yesterday. We found a house! I am beyond excited about the house itself and the location. Location. Location. Location! It is truth! (More on that soon.)

Happy Sunday!


  1. Very happy for you!
    All those bubbles photos are wonderful. Bubbles are well loved here too :)

  2. yay yay yay about the house! :D

    lovely photos as always <3

    and congrats on your interview! xoxoxo

  3. oh those bubble photos are so much fun! a big congrats on the house, and I'm so glad you're in the swap, even with all that you have to do~
    cheers from NC

  4. It might as well have been summer here today. We took a walk both Saturday and Sunday to soak up the warm wind and sun. I'm trying to acclimate my girls to becoming hikers one walk at a time. Love the bubbles! And I am so happy you have your house all arranged.

  5. I am thrilled to read you found a home :)

  6. I love your bubble pics! There is something so carefree about bubble and little hands!

    Congrats on your interview - so exciting to see the blog being picked up by others and blossoming like it is.

    I will have to check your blogger swap link - sounds intriguing.

    And...I am so happy you found a house in such a great awesome! xx

  7. Love those bubble pics! Beautiful!!!! Congrats on the house!!! Close to us maybe? :)

  8. Thank you, everyone! Lovin' all of the good vibes!
