Sunday, October 28, 2012


Garden hat. Chickens out. Kids running. Wool on the line. Sunshine.

Cold frame harvest & venting... at the end of October. Wow.

Found. Neglecting the kale in the main garden? Chicken yum, yummies.

Forest hike. Details.

Fall view.

Working man. Friends who get it. Fireside. Library. Books & crafty kiddos.

Weekend starting off well...

What have you been up to this weekend?

Weekending with the lovely and creative Amanda.


  1. looks like a lovely weekend, a little bit of everything good :)

  2. we held an artist gathering for our forest, to save it for all, forever. walked on the river, admired the leaves, the fog.

    1. Erin... I was thinking of your forest the other day. Then I thought about your idea for the matching game... forest inspired. How fun to get artists (or children) to contribute a tiny drawing for a forest matching game to share with the community as inspiration?
